How old is Justin Furstenfeld? When is Justin Furstenfeld's birthday? Where is Justin Furstenfeld born? Where did Justin Furstenfeld grow up from? What's Justin Furstenfeld's age?

Justin Furstenfeld Born: December 14, 1975 (age 47years), Houston, Texas, United States

Is Justin Furstenfeld married? When did Justin Furstenfeld get married? Who's Justin Furstenfeld's married to? (Who's Justin Furstenfeld's husband / wife)?

Justin Furstenfeld Spouse: Sarah Furstenfeld (m. 2012)

How about Justin Furstenfeld's parents?

Justin Furstenfeld Parents: Dan Furstenfeld

Does Justin Furstenfeld have any children? What are the names of Justin Furstenfeld's children? What are the ages of Justin Furstenfeld's children?

Justin Furstenfeld Children: Blue Reed Furstenfeld, Sayde Belle, Gunner Black Furstenfeld

How about Justin Furstenfeld's group?

Justin Furstenfeld Group: Blue October (Since1995), Harvard of the South (Since2014), The Last Wish

Is Justin from Blue October still sober?

\u201cI'm a very spiritual person,\u201d he says. \u201cMy mom always raised me on Jesus Christ and Christianity and faith like that. I will be forever grateful to Christianity for giving me that piece of fruit to pluck from, to find spirituality and so I just love it.\u201d

Why did CB leave Blue October?

\u201cI'm a very spiritual person,\u201d he says. \u201cMy mom always raised me on Jesus Christ and Christianity and faith like that. I will be forever grateful to Christianity for giving me that piece of fruit to pluck from, to find spirituality and so I just love it.\u201d

Does Justin Furstenfeld believe in God?

\u201cI'm a very spiritual person,\u201d he says. \u201cMy mom always raised me on Jesus Christ and Christianity and faith like that. I will be forever grateful to Christianity for giving me that piece of fruit to pluck from, to find spirituality and so I just love it.\u201d
