Doja Cart explained that even though she wasn't necessarily into Johnny Utah's music, she was into JAWNY's vibe. She said in an Instagram Live (via Reddit) that she liked the way he "moved" and the pants he was wearing when she discovered him online. 

"I went to his YouTube video and [then] commented on his Instagram and I was like, 'I love you baby.'" They began commenting back and forth on each other's Instagram pics, and Utah even admitted that he was waiting for her to post a new pic so that he could add a funny comment to make her like him. 

On one picture, he commented: "Hey girl, I just showed this pic to my little cousin and I told him that we're together. Don't make me look like a liar now. He looks up to me." After that comment earned more than a thousand likes, the two connected in a bigger way. 

There you have it, folks. Love in the modern age — at least for a while. 
